It's about time for an update, right? Seeing as I've finished my first month here in California.
There were a lot of struggles and successes. I've been working 50+ hours/week at a place and had some issues of being taken advantage of for my services. I love this business and I'm always willing to work and learn but there are times you need to understand your value and your worth. You need to know when to pay dues and when dues need to be paid, ya dig?
Last weekend I spoke on 2 panels at the California Music Industry Summit in Oakland, CA. I was asked to stand in for Michael Brandvold who did marketing for KISS. So that was an honor (and I talked to him later because we follow each other on twitter which is just as cool if not cooler).
After the big festival we're doing this is one of the projects I'm helping put out for the Real Life Gangsters DVD series.