Sunday, May 6, 2012

What You Don't See

With many things there is always a side you don't see. Like with my last post, even. I tell you all the things I'm working on but you don't hear about the hiccups along the way, the inconveniences, the difficult clients who argue, won't pay, or just have no understanding of business.

One of the projects I took over last night is a DVD documentary series called "Real Life Gangsters" which is pretty much just what it sounds like; exclusive documentaries and soundtracks about Real Life Gangsters (freeway ricky ross, BMF, etc).

Their website made no sense. The "buy the dvds now" image isn't a clickable link, there were DVDs and CDs that weren't under the right tabs, the original creator wouldn't give the password to fix things so when we finally got it I had to go thru and fix (what I could) but I still have a bit of work to do (no videos, bad descriptions, etc).

I'm NOT a web guy. I can DO these things but that's not my area of expertise and this combined with difficult clients really slows everything down.

You'll see the finished product but not sit in on the angry meetings with clients who threaten to sue US if their CD ends up online for free (newsflash: there's nothing you can do to stop that).

But that's the business. It's not all platinum plaques and steak dinners, sometimes it's 30,000 unsold CDs in storage and mac&cheese for dinner at 11:30pm. But dues must be paid in order to weed people out. I'm blessed to be where I am and learning from the mentors I have.

Meeting with Krayzie Bone tomorrow so that should be cool. And I woke up to a paid invoice which is always nice.

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